By supplying text, images and other data to Cat’s Imaging & Design for inclusion in the customer’s website or other medium, the customer declares that it holds the appropriate copyright and/or trademark permissions. The ownership of such materials will remain with the customer, or rightful copyright or trademark owner.

Any artwork, images, or text supplied and/or designed by Cat’s Imaging & Design on behalf of the customer, will remain the property of Cat’s Imaging & Design and/or its suppliers unless otherwise agreed in writing. A licence for use of the copyright material is granted to the customer solely for the project defined in the scope or request and not for any other purpose.

The customer may request in writing from Cat’s Imaging & Design, the necessary permission to use materials (for which Cat’s Imaging & Design holds the copyright) in forms other than for which it was originally supplied, and Cat’s Imaging & Design may, at its discretion, grant this and may charge for the additional usage. Such permission must be obtained in writing before any of the aforesaid artwork, images, text, or other data is used.

Any software, code, plugin or other third party material used in a web or digital project remains the property of the creator and any ongoing licence fees or fees for upgrades are the responsibility of the client, not Cat’s Imaging & Design.

By supplying images, text, or any other data to Cat’s Imaging & Design, the customer grants Cat’s Imaging & Design permission to use this material freely in the pursuit of the design.

Should Cat’s Imaging & Design, or the customer supply an image, text, audio clip or any other file for use in a website, multimedia presentation, print item, exhibition, advertisement or any other medium believing it to be copyright and royalty free, which subsequently emerges to have such copyright or royalty usage limitations, the customer will agree to allow Cat’s Imaging & Design to remove and/or replace the file on the site.

The customer agrees to fully indemnify and hold Cat’s Imaging & Design free from harm in any and all claims resulting from the customer in not having obtained all the required copyright, and/or any other necessary permissions.

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